Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Kicking the TV Habit (for Lent)

So, we (hubby and myself) always give up something for Lent.  We find that the sacrifices of Christ are more motivating than any New Year's Resolution could be.  For the past few years, our sacrifice has been sweets.  This year, we've decided to give up our habit of crashing on the couch after the kids go to bed and drowning in the latest mess on TV.  Yes House, Grey's, Duggars, Breaking Bad, I will miss you.  But, geez, I'm ready to get some of our projects around here tackled, already.  Probably won't hurt in the communication department, either.  These are some of the books that I plan on reading in my downtime in place of TV.  My plans this week to start spring cleaning were derailed by this flare-up of RA that I should've seen coming with recent stresses (kids ALWAYS sick in Jan/February).  So, I was thinking that my reading should at least be progressing toward a goal, even if my house is a pigsty!  I'm working on some fabric letters for the boys new combined room and hope I can manage to get them cut-out tonight.  Here's a link to the pattern.

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